Rena Scott
Rena Scott
Rena Scott, Co-Leader of Orrick's Geneva Office advises companies in highly complex and high-value disputes involving a wide variety of cross-border matters and on major projects. Rena acts as counsel in arbitrations conducted under all the main institutional arbitration rules (ICC, LCIA, SAC, ICDR), as well as ad hoc rules, in venues around the world. She represents owners of valuable trademarks licenses, trade and commodities, major construction development project owners (involved in commercial, retail, residential, high rise, low rise, infrastructure, and conventional power and clean power generation energy projects), contractors and sub-contractors, including pursuant to consortia and joint venture agreements. Rena also provides assistance in the development of construction contract terms and conditions, as well as delivery assistance and construction project dispute avoidance assistance to construction development and delivery teams, works closely with Orrick's ESG practice to develop tailored ESG programs, and is regularly invited to speak on issues in the industry, where she has “great knowledge” (client commentary, Global Arbitration Review).