The California Arbitration (CalArb) Board of Directors has announced Executive Committee and Board of Director appointments for 2023/24 term:


Dana Welch, President

Laura Abrahamson, Vice President

Jeffery Daar, Vice President

Marcus Quintanilla, Officer at Large

Brody Greenwald, Treasurer

Giorgio Sassine, Secretary

Ghada Audi, Officer at Large

Gary Benton, Immediate Past President



Daniel Kolkey, Board Chair

Laura Abrahamson

Gary Benton

Cedric Chao

Jeffery Daar

Ruth Glick

Brody Greenwald

Sally Harpole

Nilufar Hossain

Neil Popovic

Marcus Quintanilla

Barbara Reeves

Giorgio Sassine

Steve Smith

Dana Welch

Nicolas Wiegand

The new members will begin their service on September 1, 2023. We wish our new leadership well – and thank all CalArb members for the support of international arbitration and ADR in California.  For more information, contact CalArb at

CalArb – the voice of the California International Arbitration and ADR community.

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